A review by writervid
Once and for All by Sarah Dessen


Alright, here we go! Short review in store.

This was definitely better than Last Summer. I enjoyed it that much more, and found the side characters to be more complicated and nuanced. Similarly, the messages were that much better executed (although not entirely--the ending didn't fully complete Louna's character arc, at least in my opinion). This was an adorable summer read that I'm thoroughly happy I read.

Was there a lot of structure or plot? No. I wasn't particularly bothered by it, though. I was mildly bothered by the seeming attempt at implementing that, though, which seemed last minute.

The negatives?

I've noticed that Dessen likes to start with a lot of exposition in her novels, which is fine, and she has a great voice, but it's not necessarily needed, and bothers me.

I didn't like Louna as a character. She seemed flat, and very reactionary to what was going on around her. I get that that was kind of the point--she was letting life happen to her to face grief--but it didn't make her very compelling, especially when she had a negative reaction to everyone around her. I was never totally drawn to her chemistry with Ambrose, either. I DID enjoy Ambrose, though, which I know is an unpopular opinion. He seemed very realistic to me in that I know and have known a lot of annoying people who have great hearts. So I was never "done" with him like so many other reviewers seem to be.

Overall, cute and fun. Not necessarily a romance I rooted for, but a love interest and side characters I did. Points were definitely awarded based on enjoyment and un-put-down-ability that comes with a well-developed voice and tension. I think I'm on a Dessen upwards streak!