A review by dot_needle
The Arrangement by Sylvia Day, Minerva Spencer, Kristin Vayden


When I saw the Sylvia Day was headlining a historical romance anthology, I knew it would be steamy and I was not disappointed!

The Arrangement also features Minerva Spencer and Kristin Vayden and unlike many anthologies out there, I found each other equally strong. I found Day’s and Spencer’s novellas more on the erotic romance spectrum with Vayden’s at a slightly lower heat level.

The common thread in the three novellas is with their heroines, who find themselves at a disadvantage due their station in life and/or circumstances. However, what I l enjoyed about these stories was that none of them were waiting to be rescued and they were to the best of their ability making the most of their situations. The authors also didn’t fall into the trap of making their heroes overbearing and alphaholes, and I appreciated how the authors dealt with the uneven power dynamics in a historical setting.

This was a fun and easy read and I look forward to searching out books from Spencer and Vayden who were new to me.

Arc provided by publisher through Netgalley.