A review by gnull
After Disasters by Viet Dinh


This was a Kindle First book. I gave it a good chance, read more than halfway. I kept waiting for a story to begin, a plot to develop, a notion that we were going somewhere, but it didn't happen by then so I allowed myself to give up.
After Disasters earned one star from me because it revealed a wealth of information about the inner workings of global relief. Very compelling in itself. The story line jumped back and forth in time, but was not too difficult to follow.
I thought it was going to be an adventure type book, but finally gave up when I realized it was becoming another vehicle for advancing the homosexual lifestyle as normal and healthy. If that doesn't bother you, and if plot structure isn't important to you, then you'll probably really enjoy the read.
I would very much like to know how it ends, but my reading time is limited.