A review by kandisteiner
All Lined Up by Cora Carmack


Cora. Cora, Cora, Cora. How I love thee.

All Lined Up was absolutely spectacular. I didn't think I could love any book by Carmack more than Losing It but I was so wrong. I am on the Carson train and I don't want to get off. Toot, toot, baby! ;)

I'm from the midwest (Oklahoma) so I completely identify with the Friday night lights thing. In my old hometown, the entire town shut down for Friday games. That was one of the things I loved most about this book - it wasn't just a romance, but a story about growing up with football and a dad who claimed it as a son more than his own daughter. There was heartache in this book from the very beginning and I knew it would be difficult at times with Dallas and Carson. But, would it be worth it?

So, I'm not a huge fan of reviews with synopsis recaps or spoilers, but what I will tell you about ALU is that it's insanely fun, sexy, and sweet. Dallas lets her emotions out dancing and Carson is fighting for that spot on the team he knows is his. There are exes involved, drama, rumors, the spotlight that goes along with being the coach's daughter, and of course - Dallas's firm rule of never dating a boy on her dad's football team.

But rules are meant to be broken, right?

I can't stress enough that this was such a fun read. I stayed up way too late reading because I couldn't put it down without seeing what happened next. And angst? Oh yes, it's here. I was so ready for Carson - long before Dallas, apparently lol.

I can't wait for the second book in the series. Silas actually seemed like an a-hole to me, but by the end of the book he was growing on me. I'm sure his story will be a fun one!

Cora Carmack never disappoints. If you're looking for a fun read with humor, angst, romance, and heartache - pick this one up. By the end, you'll have arrived home from a journey of discovery and love. 5 stars!