A review by angelicasreads
Trouble by Non Pratt


Real rating 2.5

So. What to say?

I have been in a reading slump for a while now. Like a six months kind of while. With finals coming up I needed a good book. I had recently finished [b:An Ember in the Ashes|20560137|An Ember in the Ashes|Sabaa Tahir|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1417957944s/20560137.jpg|39113604] by [a:Sabaa Tahir|7770873|Sabaa Tahir|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1390501945p2/7770873.jpg] which is an awesome dystopian fantasy and it was absolutely amazing! But the moment I finished the slump came over me once more. I was hoping this book would make me happy. That bit would allow me to get back on track with my reading but it didn’t.

When I read the synopsis I thought it was right up my alley. I was expecting it to be really good and I expected to love it. The concept was great. The guy pretending to be the father? Awesome. But then I actually read it.

I had a lot of problems with the story. There was a lot of slut shaming in this book. There were also a lot of terrible examples of women and I did not like it. Every girl in this book was terrible. They were smutty and mean and all those horrible things. Even the main charter, Hannah was a pretty terrible person. Then there was Aaron. He had a tragic past. He was a decent guy. I did not like him. He was bland and forgettable. There was nothing memorable about him or his tragic story. The other characters weren’t good either.
The plot was slow and dumb. I didn’t like it. The one thing I did enjoy was the plot twist because I did not see that coming. I was not expecting that twist. Not because it was so well kept and hidden and awesome but because it was not something that should ever happen and no normal person would have guessed it. So I guess I didn’t really enjoy it, I was just in shock.

Another problem I had was the loose ends. There was unfinished business in this book and I didn’t like it. There were questions left unanswered and mysteries unsolved. I like good concrete endings in stand alones, especially in contemporary. This book did not have it. What happens after the baby? What do they do next? What is going to happen with Aaron? Is he going to be part of the family? I don’t know! The whole book was about her being pregnant and it ends feeling all relieved and accomplished when the child is born. Like, I have never been pregnant but I assume it’s hard. Either way I think that having the kid inside of you is easy compared to having the kid out and having to care for it. I don’t think there was any actual resolution, if anything there are just more conflicts at hand.

In the end I was just disappointed.