A review by shadowmaster13
Rogue's Pawn by Jeffe Kennedy


This is dark paranormal romance.

I didn't like that at the end of the book many if not all of the questions about the sorcery and the Fae people are unanswered. There's still many many questions regarding the war and Falcon that I have.

A lot of things happen and it appears as if there is a rule about telling Gwynn/ outsiders about their world because people ignore straight questions. Rogue refuses to tell Gwynn anything and expects trust and for her to go along with his plans.

I don't like how Rogue treated Gwynn/Jennifer either. I'll be the first to admit I'm easy and oh so forgiving when it comes to a hero but Rogue doesn't apologise for his assholey behaviour and at no point is there a remote explanation for why. Especially the bargaining for Gwynn's life at the beginning.

Gwynn is a strong character, despite everything she goes through and she knocks Rogue back numerous times and I was on her side because he was not acting worthy of a relationship. I have to take points off of her intelligence and awesomeness for
Spoilertrying to hook up with Officer Liam
because that was just trying to cross the oath-breaking line.

The world-building is fantastic, the explanation for the understanding the language barrier is inspired and I can't wait to find out more about this world. It sucks you in and makes you read all the way to the end and then on that mild cliffhanger go, "what happens next, cruel author?".

**I received this book as an ARC from Carina Press via NetGalley**