A review by leahegood
Writing with Emotion, Tension, and Conflict: Techniques for Crafting an Expressive and Compelling Novel by Cheryl St John


Last week I went to Barnes and Nobles armed with a gift card. There's so much freedom that goes attached to entering a bookstore with a gift card. :) I was planning on buying [b:The Emotion Thesaurus|13554235|The Emotion Thesaurus A Writer's Guide to Character Expression|Angela Ackerman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1332267445s/13554235.jpg|19123949], but they didn't have it. So I got this book instead.

It was a good, easy read. And helpful too. I was a little surprised that the author spent a good chunk of the book talking about setting. (That doesn't fit Emotion, Tension, and Conflict in my mind, but it did in the mind of Cheryl St. John apparently.) I'd definitely recommend this book to fellow writers looking to punch up the *feeling* in their stories.