A review by hannahmaybookreviews
Pigeon-Blood Red by Ed Duncan


Title: Pigeon-Blood Red
Author: Ed Duncan
Pages: 203
Rating: 3.5/5

A huge thank you to the author and Kelsey from Book Publicity services for providing me with a copy of the book to review.


Rico is an underworld enforcer who is given the task of retrieving his gangster boss’s priceless pigeon-blood ruby necklace. Along with the retrieval, he must teach the back stabbing cheat who stole it a lesson, this part of the job he has done numerous times. Thinking this would be an easy task, Rico’s mission quickly goes sideways and he finds he has to play a game of Cat and Mouse to locate the necklace. He finds himself in uncharted territory and innocents soon find themselves also embroiled in the crime. Despite this, Rico goes ahead and continues to pursue his new targets but the events that follow leave Rico facing his toughest decision yet. Kill the couple who save his life or refuse and risk the life of the woman he loves.

The description of this book hinted thar this could be an action packed read that you could sink your teeth into. The reviews also looked promising and I was eager to find out. I have to say my initial thoughts on the description were correct!

When starting chapter 1 we are thrown straight into the action, the book kicks off with a bang and I found as I read on this showed no signs of slowing. At first however I did struggle to get my head round who was who, however this got easier as I soon got into the swing of the story.

The book is split into 3 parts and I felt each part was the perfect length. The chapters were also short and snappy which kept the story moving at a perfect, fast pace. I connected with the author’s writing style straight away and enjoyed the author’s tone. I was able to visualise everything the author wrote and the scenes he set; parts really had me wanting to be on holiday!

Pigeon-blood Red is full of twists and turns. There is plenty of backstabbing and betrayal and the action this brings does not relent, making this a very dramatic read, something I love. The business Rico was in often meant things would go round in a vicious circle, you knew something would always be coming.
Rico despite some of the ‘jobs’ he has carried out was not unlikeable. He had so much potential and so much more he could be and it frustrated me how he didn’t see this. He was a bad guy you couldn’t help but warm to and I feel this was the author’s clever idea for him. As for the other characters, all I will say is do not get attached because the author can be rather ruthless.

The story is told in third person, it can be confusing in places but it did a good job at letting you into the characters head. My one complaint would be that the past events and flash backs could have been made clearer by a heading or a change in font, just to separate past from present because I did find myself lost at times.

This read had a clever and cunning plot with an ending that was unexpected. I breezed through this book in 2 sittings because it was such an easy read. It had an old school gangster feel to it and I did worry at first whether I would connect but I was pleasantly surprised and this was a very enjoyable crime thriller. Pigeon-blood Red is a good place to start for those exploring the crime thriller genre for the first time.