A review by chemwitch
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop


3 stars.

Meg Corbyn and her friends are back, and this time they're going to stop whatever is happening to the Others. As they begin to narrow down the source of the mysterious disease plaguing the Midwest, there is just one question on everyone's mind: will they be fast enough to stop the Midwestern Others from destroying every human in the region?

Overall, I liked this book better than the first with one MAJOR exception.

They kept the romance to a minimum, which I liked with a few annoyances. I wasn't a huge fan of how they keep dangling the "slow burn" in our faces. Like, just let them be platonic. They don't have to have feelings for each other.


The plot was better than the first book, and I would marry Charlie Crowgard in a hot second. I was interested the whole way through and I never really felt like the book wasn't giving enough plot. Like the first book, there were a lot of exposition dumps but I didn't mind it so much.

My biggest problem? The fucking jokes. There are several instances in this book of "haha, females, am I right? Women are so hard to understand and emotional, hahaha, we're men and this is funny" and I just despise that type of humor and it pulled me right out of the story and into a bitter homicidal rage.

These jokes happened a couple times in the first book but I felt this one had them more prominently since Meg's pack of humans was entirely female. Every time I read one I had to do some deep breathing exercises to continue. They're just. So. Bad.

So, yeah, bottom line: If you like shitty misogynist humor, then maybe this is more than a 3-star read, I guess. It's decent otherwise. I just hate that shit. So goddamn much.

5/26/19: A good book brought down by shit humor. Rtc?