A review by lisa01
Truly Unfortunate by C.A. King


Truly Unfortunate (Welcome to Knollville Book 1)
By C.A. King
Rated 5 stars

What a story! Right at the beginning it drew me in an i could hardly put this down until it was finished. I really felt very comfortable with this book from the prologue. The wording and characters made me feel welcome. I love the name of this character..Truly. So different but yet perfect.

This poor girl! All she wants to do it survive and try to remember her past. She seems to struggle with just being. Truly is blessed or not. It’s hard to tell. Having access to something unworldly should make her happy but....not when unfortunate things keeps happening around her.

Wow! This had an ending i didn’t see coming so i was a bit surprised. This does open the story for a great new series. This is the first book in that series and I look forward to reading more. On a side note the title and cover are perfectly in line with this book and I loved them.