A review by mbenzz
We're Just Like You, Only Prettier: Confessions of a Tarnished Southern Belle by Celia Rivenbark


I couldn't wait to get this book in. When it finally arrived, I dropped everything and started on it right away! This book was hilarious and I found myself laughing out-loud quite a few times!

Being a born and raised, 100%, absolute Yankee, I loved reading about the quirky ways of the south. The 'mommy-wars', the right and wrong ways to conduct yourself as a 'proper' southern lady, and how NOT to let your husband dress the child, were all very amusing. I normally only read books that take place down south as I love reading about the friendly people, warm climate, and their simple way of life.

This book was a very cute and realistic look at the folks of the south, and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a quick little read that will make you laugh. I can't wait to read 'Bless your Heart Tramp', and hope it's as cleverly written as I found this one to be. I'm definitely glad I bought it!