A review by ababoglo
Master Assassins by Robert V.S. Redick


4+ ⭐️

What a great ARC! Many thanks to author and the publisher for sharing a copy with me.

I came to know about this release from the glowing review by Mark Lawrence, here it is in case you have missed it: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2185389606?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

Take away lesson one: trust Mark's recommendations. It is a safe bet.

Take away lesson two: don't be fooled by the cover - it totally mismanages expectations here.

I have plenty of things to praise in this story and only one issue to complain. I will start from a complaint first. The book could have been a bit shorter and punchier. It would have improved the pacing and increased the fun. That's it. That's my only complaint - the rest is a pure delight.

Particularly commendable bits are:
1. Parallel narratives: present time and flashback encounters. It reminded me of [b:The Lies of Locke Lamora|127455|The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard, #1)|Scott Lynch|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1386924569s/127455.jpg|2116675]. Very nicely done. Great way to bring characters to life.

2. Reimagination of the historical themes from the Arabian peninsula and Central Asia. There is no explicit link to people, nations or events but the story is clearly inspired by the history of the region. Clever and interesting

3. Reimagination of geographical locations, particularly the Aral Sea. Superbly incorporated into the worldbuilding and fantastical narrative

4. Everpresent mystery. Nothing is black and white. Nothing is spelled out. World Plague? White Child? Yatra? Quarantine? After finishing the book you will know just enough to crave for more.

5. Language. This is a masterfully written story. Great kudos to the author!

If you are a fantasy fan and craving for something 'fresh' - this is a release to check out.