A review by ablotial
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories by James Finn Garner


I was hoping to get through this book in a single setting but ended up taking two. I got it in high school and I remember thinking it was dumb at the time, but I kept it because that was a phase in my life where getting rid of any book was blasphemy. I no longer believe that, but I did want to give it another chance before throwing it in the donate pile.

It was ok. The Princess and the Frog was hilarious and I loved it
Spoilerseriously, she gets over her ideas of species-ism and although she wonders if his request for a kiss when they have literally just met is sexual harassment she decides to take him up on it, and he turns into a short, balding man with glasses ("don't sorcerers usually cast their spells on princes?", she asked. "Ordinarily yes", he says, "but this time the target was just an innocent businessman.") who is a real-estate developer who who may have cheated a sorcerer in a property line dispute and now plans to turn the pond into an office part/condo/resort complex . So she drowns him. "And while someone might have noticed that the frog was gone, no one ever missed the real estate developer.
But otherwise while I did stifle a quick laugh every so often I mostly just thought "meh". It's clearly satire and intended to be funny by going over the top with the so-called political correctness, and in some places he nailed it but in other places it felt very tedious and in still other places it felt slightly offensive. Not my style of humor, I guess.