A review by readingvalkyrie
The Power by L.J. Smith


This last book of the trilogy is about how the Circle, despite their biggest flaws, unite against a greater enemy and discover that even though they think they are weak, they come up stronger at the end.

I've got to say I'm so proud about the end of this trilogy, I mean I'm really sad it ended (I know that there's another author who continued the series, but I don't know if I'll read it) but at the same time it was just perfect.

Each character grew up to be a wonderful human being and they embraced each other completly. We see that page by page, chapter by chapter; but mostly we see it when Faye makes the final choice and it's not what we expected and maybe not for the reasons that we expected.

If you're reading the first book and you think it sucks, keep reading because it gets better! I'm so dissapointed that the series only got one season and we don't have such a big fanbase with good quality fanfics; but I know that there are a lot of people fighting to get the season two on tv.

I totally do not regret reading this series, and I hope L. J. Smith considers making a Nick spin-off (kinda like Adrian's Bloodlines).