A review by lisamchuk
Hostage by Guy Delisle


While working for an NGO, Christophe gets kidnapped and taken to Chechnya, where he is held hostage for three months. This graphic novel tells his (true!) story. There's a lot of sleeping. A lot of staring at the ceiling. But it's a good story, expertly told in mostly internal monologue, and in minimal grey/white images.

I've said before graphic novels aren't my thing, but this is one I can get behind. The story was interesting and compelling: I really wanted to read on to find the resolution. The art was minimal and effectively held together the internal thoughts of a guy stuck chained to a radiator for three months. It was a heavy tome but I finished it in an hour, and the ending was quite fitting.

So I highly recommend this graphic novel to anyone interested in a true hostage story. I might check out more of Delisle's 'travelogue' graphic novels!