A review by graylodge_library
Labyrinth by A.C.H. Smith


The movie has a special place in my heart. There was a time in my childhood when there was still cool stuff on TV, and one afternoon I noticed an interesting movie in the schedule. What I saw stayed with me forever. My mom had just baked buns topped with butter, so while I was gobbling up about a seven of those and drinking cold cocoa, I was completely sucked into this odd world of puppet trolls and a strange Goblin king with a seductive voice.

Rewind to year 2016, when the news of David Bowie's death flooded over me like a tidal wave. I decided to slowly go through a list of his favorite books as a tribute to him and to learn more about who he was. Then I found out there's a novelization of Labyrinth. When I read E.T., I realized novelizations of movies can be good, too. In the best case scenario they can deepen the world and make you understand the characters a bit better (plus, reading E.T. meant I didn't have to suffer through the sentimental style of Spielberg).

Labyrinth, while not being bad, wasn't that special either. I think it just comes down to the world working better in visual form and with the songs. A nice read overall, but I'd rather watch the movie for the umpteenth time. Maybe this would work better if you haven't seen the movie first?