A review by lynn_k
If You Go Down to the Woods by Seth C. Adams


Very slow going. I DNF’d around 70 pages in and absolutely nothing had happened yet, unless you count the rampant racism, sexism, and just overall dickishness of the main character. I don’t need to like the main character to enjoy a book but this felt malicious, not just “in character” for a 13 year old boy. In those first 70 pages the word ‘retard’ is used as an insult 6(!) times. Also, his friend (who is overweight) is constantly described as ‘doughy’. Like, I get it, he’s a fat kid, you introduced him as that, I don’t need constant reminders. And when this jerk meets some nice black people? Oh, boy. I literally had to put the book down and breathe slowly for a few minutes.