A review by mearias
Disasterology 101 by Taylor V. Donovan

I don't know how to rate this book.

I was intrigued by Cedric and his struggles (and his triumphs), but not as interested in Kevin. Cedric was definitely the more compelling character in the book, but felt the author made his struggles so much more difficult than required. I was sad, frustrated and anxious about Cedric and his myriad of issues.

I'm sure there are real people with many of these same real issues; but in this instance, I think it took my attention from the romance and made me focus more on Cedric. This book for me was all about Cedric and how he coped; what he was capable of doing to have this relationship.

Also the "thug" dressing and the people's reaction to it? Annoying... all of it, from the way he's described as dressing, to the ex-wife's reaction... annoying and over the top.

Anwyho, I'll leave the rating alone and say that if you're looking for a different type of read, this is definitely different.