A review by peneloperea
Consumed by J.R. Ward


Thank you to Net Galley & Gallery Books for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review.

I’m so happy I decided to give this one a try. Part of the reason I decided to give this one a try is because a friend joined the local FD a couple years ago and I see the differences that job has made in him, good and bad. So I was interested to see how the characters were portrayed. Personally, I thought they were great. There’s a wide range of mental health, abusive (substance), aggressive, angry men in this story and I’m hoping we get to learn more about the others in future books.

This one focuses on Anne and Danny – both from firemen families who have dealt with loss and both handle their shit in negative ways.

Anne is a girl who hates the word girl and fights everything about being a girl. She’s tough, intelligent, brave and angry. I’ll say that I got annoyed with her “don’t call me girl” comments pretty quickly. You’re a girl, you don’t have to wear a dress but you also don’t need to snap at everyone who calls you a girl. Be you sweetie. But anyway, she’s a bad ass and when life changes for her, she has to learn to adjust how she sees herself, as well as who she is. I think she does great at this and her the new family member she adopts early in the story is just adorable. I do wish she wasn’t so mean. She carries a lot of anger around and takes it out on EVERYONE. It’s kind of amazing she has any friends at times.

Danny is the hotshot fire fighter with a death wish, who sleeps around and drinks until he gets into a fight. During a particularly bad call he does something that shakes him to his core. We get to see how he picks himself back up. I like Danny but I have a huge soft spot for bad boys who love with their whole being. Is Danny perfect? God no. No one in this world (fictional or not) is. AND I do love a wonderfully written flawed character and that’s how I saw Danny. I also liked Tom, Anne big brother a lot too. They are both strong male characters with a lot of internal drama that they are trying to deal with without letting everyone around them know just how screwed up they are. Healthy? No, but it makes for an interesting read. And both of them make very interesting discoveries about themselves throughout the book.

While Danny and Anne try to push each other away, Anne more than Danny – there are mysterious fires happening and Anne, who is still trying to figure out exactly who she is, thinks she knows who is behind them. Throughout the story there is this dark shadow that hangs over these characters and it makes for an interesting read. The romance is hot and sweet. This book opens up a lot of possibilities for future stories about these first responders and the people who love them or just want a super hot ride. I will for sure keep an eye out for more on them.