A review by zanybibliophile
Unearthed by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman


WOW! It is the first word that comes to mind after reading this book but it doesn't even come close to describing the brilliance of Unearthed! This is the first book I have read by the duo that is Kaufman and Spooner but I am a fan!

The chapters had alternating POVs which helped us to know how both Amelia and Jules were thinking and feeling during the many twists, turns and mysteries of this novel. Both characters were well formed making them relatable and easy to picture. I also liked that while from very different backgrounds, the two find common ground and work together. Our world needs more of that!

The action-packed journey these two take through the Undying temple on Gaia is full of puzzels and mathematics that I can only imagine to be fascinating. I am most definitely like Jules in that I would want to spend hours, days, weeks, etc., studying it all!
Basically, the plot of Unearthed was incredibly well thought out and an absolute pleasure to read. I was consistently enthralled with the story and found myself thinking about what would happen next when I unfortunately had to put the book down.
It has also been brilliantly set up for the second novel - it can go many different ways so it will be interesting to see which way Kaufman and Spooner choose!

The writing style was consistent and flowed really well, something I actually was not expecting from a book of this format by two authors. In fact, if there were not two names on the cover, I would have assumed it was all written by the same person.

Easily a 5 star book for me and I cannot wait to see where Kaufman and Spooner take Unearthed 2!