A review by serendipity_viv
Emma Hearts LA by Keris Stainton


I may ban Keris Stainton from writing any more books set in America. Every time she writes a new one, I find myself yearning to travel to another state. I hadn't really even heard of Venice Beach in Los Angeles before reading this book, now I am constantly searching the internet for information about it, begging my husband to take me there.
I really loved this book! I love the way the author captures the essence of a destination through the eyes of a Brit! You feel the same excitement that Emma and Bex do, on exploring the sights of L.A. Keris has a way of making the book feel as though it is happening right now. The story has references to famous people who presently feature in the news and you feel like you are swapping holiday stories with your gal pal from the last month.
As soon as Emma arrives in LA, her life begins to make sense. It seems that for some time she has been drifting, unsure of the path her future should take. Yet something about LA, changes the way Emma views her life and she begins to realise what she wants from her future. I think Keris really captured the difficulties faced by many teenagers leaving school, who really don't know what they want to do with their future. Keris shows teenagers that it is OK to take your time thinking about your future. Keris Stainton just gets teenagers!
I know a lot of bloggers fell in love with Oscar, the geeky love interest, but I have to admit to having a soft spot for Alex! *ducks as everyone throws pillows* I can't help it I love the hot looking actor types!!! I don't do dorky guys! I felt quite sorry for Alex, as he was still coming to terms with the negative aspects of his fame. You could tell he wanted to be able to just hang out and chill like Emma and her friends too.
I loved that Jessie made an appearance in this book. I really enjoyed reading Jessie Hearts NY last year, and it was fantastic to meet up with such a lovely character again and find out how life in New York is treating her. It really gave her story closure.
I did get extremely excited when I realised their was a minor character mentioned called Vivienne! That is so rare. I have only ever seen Vivian's and Vivien's in fiction. So I was as happy as a kitten to see my name there. I'm sad I know!
The story is a simple but beautiful love story, set in a fairy tale setting which left me sighing with happiness. Definitely a beach read to escort the summer to our front door. My daughters are desperate to read it now and there may just be a fight in my house!