A review by alliewithbooks
Because I Was A Girl: True Stories for Girls of All Ages by Melissa de la Cruz


This anthology of autobiographical short stories was a pleasant surprise. Honestly, I wasn't sure if this would be as inclusive as I wanted it to be. Thankfully—for the most part—I was proven wrong. I really appreciated how the anthology itself was set up. there were women and girls telling their stories ranging from the 1920s to the 2010s, each decade getting its own chapter with a few women and girls dedicated to each. I really appreciated everyone's stories and found them all to be exceptional and entertaining. I also liked that this anthology didn't just focus on authors but also on women in other professions and areas of life. I would definitely recommend this book to either read all the way through or even just for casual reading.

Thank you to MacMillan for sending me a copy and also for featuring me and dozens of other women on the cover's collage. This was a very inspiring collection.