A review by imalwayswrite
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson


The story isn’t a bad one, but the writing is just awful. Anderson repeats already tired phrases such as “the power of the Dark Side” and so on, so not only does the novel seem unoriginal, it seems…I don’t even know. I mean, we already know it’s a Star Wars novel, we don’t need to be reminded – over and over – about “the power of the Dark Side.” At least phrase it differently.

He also repeats his own similes – twice he described blast doors on Calamari as a “diagonal mouth.” What, he can’t come up with something different to keep the prose from being repetitive? At one point he described something as “raw bread dough.” Really? Like there’s any other type?

And as powerful and aggressive as Admiral Daala is, is she really so naïve as to think that Tarkin promoted her based on merit alone? I mean, she’s had 10 years to think it over while isolated at the Maw Installation.

Also references a comic book series (Dark Empire II, I believe) and a short story from Tales From Mos Eisley Cantina (The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead’s Tale). Neither reference enhances the story, in fact, they only serve to leave the reader with questions.

This definitely is not a stand-alone novel, but a bridge to the third and final installment in the series.