A review by gabbyreadswithtea
Shadow Kiss: A Graphic Novel by Richelle Mead, Emma Vieceli, Leigh Dragoon


Wow. I can't even remember the last time I finished a book in one day! Just like the series which I read way too long ago, this graphic novel was absolutely amazing. Best thing I've read in ages.
The story and images just consumed me and constantly reminded me of things that I had forgotten from when I read the book, four years ago. Still one of the best series ever.
Even when I thought that I was done with this genre, this came out of the blue and surprised me and honestly makes me want to go back and finish the bloodlines series that I abandoned at least three years ago.
I really hope that they made a graphic novel adaption of the fourth book in the series, if so- I'm buying it straight away!
Spoiler I'm also glad the added the sex scene into this graphic novel, it was so beautifully and tastefully done and really gives you an advancement into Rose & Dimitri's relationship.

It was a bit difficult to"understand" what Mason was trying to communicate since it's hard to show a nod or a head shake in pictures, but it was done amazingly and by the end of it I definitely understood his and Roses conversations.

So excited for the next one and honestly don't think I'll read a better book than this in 2016- or ever!