A review by theangrylawngnome
Lonely: A Memoir by Emily White


Most interesting of all: the reactions this one generated in me. At page 25 I would have cheerfully hit the author offside the head with a 2x4; what with all the whining I was frankly muttering "STFU," "STFU," oh, and just please "STFU." At page 50 I was wondering why, oh, why I wasn't directing said 2x4 at my own skull? Nothing had seemingly changed in either narrative or tone, yet here I was turning page after page and neither putting the book down, offering myself any reason to continue with this work or holding out any real hope that anything worthwhile would come forth from fishing in this pond.

Yet persist I did. And either the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle began to fall into place, what had seemed like an out of tune and badly rendered cover version of Poor, Poor Pitiful Me took on an unexpected air of originality and thoughtfulness, or the memoir portion that had annoyed me earlier actually got interesting. Or something.

So, as to the book itself? Honestly none of the ideas presented ultimately struck me as particularly original, but their manner of presentation rendered them far more