A review by ywanderingreads
The Beholden by Cassandra Rose Clarke


I requested for this book because the cover is just stunning! Alas, the story pales in comparison. I found myself bored and detached halfway through the story.

This story starts off with the De Malena sisters, Celestia and Izara, making a bargain with a River Goddess, the Lady of the Seraphine, in exchange for Celestia gaining a husband who could help her with her land. In exchange, Seraphina wants the sisters to find the source of sickness that is spreading through their land which is causing an imbalance to the world and they are tasked to restore it. Ico, the pirate, who wants nothing to do with this ends up being entangled in the sisters’ affairs.

The world building is very interesting but unfortunately, the plot fell flat for me. I wished more was explored on the dark magic element and around Seraphine cause they seemed so interesting but nothing much was mentioned about it. This story does have its potential but it lacked tension and character growth for me. The plot was also fairly straightforward and there were little twists and obstacles and that made me feel disconnected from the story.

What I did love was the relationship between Celestia and Izara. Their relationship isn’t fluffy but their support for each other is very heart-warming. Like all siblings, they have their arguments but it all revolves around how protective they are of each other.

Thank you Netgalley and Erewhon Books for the arc.