A review by kiwie
The Cormorant by Chuck Wendig


Miriam is still one of my favourite characters, she forces things til they break if they're not already broken, she's offensive and mean, and she's incredibly stubborn, and while not a good person per se, she certainly isn't a bad one either. I love her.

The antagonist of this story is also a mean, stubborn fuck. Mirroring! Wooh. (sorry).

I don't want to spoil those bits, but I love how choppy the story is this time (it always is, but I found it harder to keep together in this book, that might just be the fact that I was sick and had a hard time focusing on anything for longer than five minutes), and the character gallery mostly fresh (though we know some though Miriam's thoughts about them in past books) and Miriam has her curse under somewhat more control now, but her conscience under less. I don't know. I just love these books okay?