A review by lisawreading
After Dead: What Came Next in the World of Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris


Do yourself a favor: If you absolutely, positively must know what happened to every inconsequential waitress, contractor, and supernatural hanger-on in the world of Sookie Stackhouse, then take this book out of the library. Better yet, walk into a library, take it off the shelf, sit at a table with it for the 10 minutes it'll take you to read it, and then put it back on the shelf. For the sake of the gods of good books, do not waste your money.

So, yeah, I borrowed After Dead from the library out of curiosity -- could it really be as big a waste of time as I'd been hearing? Well, yes. After Dead is an encyclopedic listing of the fates of all the characters, major and minor, from the Sookie series. I couldn't remember who half of the characters mentioned were, and even for the others -- well, I'm sorry, but it's not just terribly interesting to get a summary of a person's life in 2 - 5 paragraphs.

After Dead just seems like a last money grab to cash in on the Sookie series. Don't bother.