A review by rkiladitis
Rise of Zombert by Kara LaReau


This first book in a new middle grade series is a good one for kids who want to read something creepy, but not TOO scary. In a corporate town where everything is owned and run by YummCo Foods, a black cat escapes a lab. He's found by a girl named Mellie, who discovers the filthy, ragged cat in a dumpster and takes him home to nurse back to health. She names him Bert and decides that he's going to be the pet she's always wanted... but Berg wants blood. He has a taste for heads, in particular; after decapitating Mellie's stuffed animals, he heads out for less stuffy game. As cats would do, Mellie discovers Bert's version of sharing a meal with her, when she keeps finding headless birds and mice left for her. Mellie's best friend, Danny, is convinced the cat is a zombie, and readers will get the feeling that there's a lot more going on at YummCo than the oh-so-friendly representatives will let on. And Bert? Well, he can't really understand why Mellie isn't appreciating his gifts, he still feels something for the girl, but nothing can stop him from his mission: revenge and freeing the other animals in the lab. 

I loved how this book built and built up the suspense, but it ended so abruptly, I had to check and make sure I wasn't reading an excerpt. It's a fast-paced read, and will definitely invest readers right away. The black and white sketches add to the moody atmosphere of the book, and the ending will leave everyone waiting for the sequel. Kara LaReau is the author of the Infamous Ratsos series, so she knows how to write for a younger audience and get things moving along quickly. Ryan Andrews illustrated another book I love, The Dollar Kids by Jennifer Richard Jacobson.