A review by andye_reads
The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa


It's time to return to the Iron Realm, and Julie Kagawa has done it again. If you haven't read The Iron Fey Series, it is definitely one you will want to check into. I can't tell you how many times I've read reviews that say, "I don't normally like fantasy, but...." or "I'm not really into faery books, but....I absolutely LOVED the Iron Fey series!" Where the Wicked Lovelyseries, and the Tithe series are dark, The Iron Fey series is light and often, with the help of one Robin Goodfellow (Puck), very funny. It's also very original, and often times tense, not to mention romantic!

I won't go into too much detail here, because pretty much anything will be a spoiler, but I really loved how Meghan stepped up into her roll in this book. She is finally tired of playing the damsel in distress and is ready to take matters into her own hands and learn how to defend herself, whether with Faery magic, or with a sword. I love reading about Meghan in this book. Where the other two books, I felt, left me thinking about Ash (or Puck), this one really left me thinking about Meghan, and how strong and independent she has become. My favorite scene was when Meghan learned how to fly. I won't explain what that means, but I could just picture the whole thing in my head, and I thought it seemed exhilarating!

The only bad thing about Meghan becoming such a strong, independent girl, was that I felt like Ash kind of stepped into the background too much. He just seemed to be following Meghan around all the time, not really doing or saying too much. Their relationship was still intense, and certainly kicked up a notch, but I missed Ash's normal strength. And, yes, even though I want my females to be strong, I still want them to be rescued sometimes, too :) So, I was SO VERY HAPPY to find out that Ash would be getting his own book! The epilogue gave a glimpse into what that book might be like, and I absolutely LOVED it (the epilogue)!

I also really loved Puck in this book. I thought that he seriously proved himself as a loyal friend to Meghan, and his lighthearted jokes and witty rhetoric were a perfect balance to the harshness of the war and the sacrificial choices that Meghan had to make! Of course, Grim was the adorably persnickety snark that seems to have captured the hearts of everyone who has read the books, but the most surprisingly lovable characters may just come as a shock to you. You'll just have to wait and see!

I think that this book ended on the biggest cliffhanger yet in the series, so I can not wait for The Iron Knight!