A review by christinel
Bittersweet by Noelle Adams


This book isn’t subtle, but sometimes that’s what I like about romance novels - that you can go straight to a scenario that pushes your buttons and enjoy the vicarious emotions. It does make my life (which is overall pretty good) better to be able to escape in this way. This kind of book also serves as a palate cleanser between more cerebral offerings, so that I can come to a new book refreshed and focused.

Adams is especially good at writing heroes who pine and repress their deep emotions for a good reason, which ratchets up the emotional tension. I like the hero in this book (although why is he always wearing a ‘camp shirt’?). I like the way this couple talks out their problems pretty directly and respectfully and don’t misunderstand each other or pout.

I do find Adams’ gender roles a little conservative. Her heroes are often brilliant and passionate about their work and hobbies. Her heroines tend to be everywomen who are all about their romances and families. Sometimes I wish they just had a little more going on outside of that.