A review by adularia25
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


There were so many parts of this book that struck a wrong note with me. As they say, the devil is in the details, and this book had a lot of little details that were flat out wrong. Did the author ever ask someone what it was like to grow up with a drunk parent? Did she do any research in that regard? I'm guessing no, because she got so many small details wrong. Such as Dana regularly drinking hot toddies. Dana, being offered an alcoholic drink early on in the book, has only a slight quibble about it the first time, and then the book kept mentioning every time she drank another hot toddy. Each time I winced. I don't care how much alcohol is actually in the drink - if you grow up with a drunk parent, you do NOT DRINK. Not as a teen. It takes years - if not decades - to get over the emotional scarring of what alcohol can do to a person. And there were a lot of other questionable choices Dana made throughout the book. But really, the drinking after having an alcoholic parent pretty much did the book in for me. After that, there was nothing Dana did that could make her a real character, and not some fake personality. I really do want to know more about her powers, I even like Avalon and the Fae world. But I don't trust Dana and can't see myself ever reading another book with her as the main character.