A review by blodeuedd
Sunbolt by Intisar Khanani


It was too short, it was too shooooort! *sad panda*
BUT, it does not end with a cliffie, I mean yes the whole book is one big cliffie, or not, but the ending is one of those all good for now, but soon you are in trouble again. One of those look the sky is blue, we are happy, but oh oh, you missed those dark clouds at the horizon......

Anyway. Hitomi is a young thief. She is nice, and does her best to survive. She is also a part of a organization trying to help since the island is going to hell. They got one of those evil mages, you know how it is.

We do not get that much of the world, I can't blame it on her, since we later learn she is educated. But right now her worldview is narrow, the city, best places to hide from soldiers, best places to hide from anyone. I would like to learn more though, cos there are other lands, the whole mage thing and so on. Oh and a map, I love those.

Since the story is short not a lot happens. Some people needs protection . Things go badly. We get to see ...stuff, I liked that. And a twist too before that, and well then it ended. And I got sad. Because hello! So much story still to be told. I look forward to that. I also hope X shows up again, I liked X...haha, spoilers ;)

A good fantasy novella.