A review by cctblog
The Dishonorable Miss Delancey by Carolyn Miller


Several years ago, Christian artist Brandon Heath released a song called "I'm Not Who I Was." That song kept coming to mind as I read Clara DeLancey's story. Prior to her fall from grace, Clara was a respected and sought-after young woman—but she wasn't kind. After she was rejected by the man she expected to marry, her brother Richard disgraced the family with his actions, and the family (minus Richard) retreated to Bristol where they could be out of the public eye. Clara allowed her bitterness and anger to fester, and it got to the point where she wondered if it would be better to end her life.

Then she met the Kemsleys and, through the Kemsleys, met Jesus.

But the consequences of Clara's actions remained, and through the rest of the novel, she fought against the notion of who she had been as she tried to show who she had become in Christ. Not everyone believed that Clara had changed, and some people continued to believe the worst of her. I truly felt for Clara as she felt the social consequences of her—and her brother's—actions. And that's saying something, as I pretty much despised her in the first two books of this series!

I greatly enjoyed Clara's journey throughout the novel, and I especially liked that coming to faith in Christ didn't turn her into a meek wallflower; instead, she began to stand up for herself and for those she cared about. Clara's spunk is one of my favorite things about her!

The love story between Clara and Benjamin Kemsley is sweetly romantic and full of longing, as the two are of different social standings, so a match would never be approved by her parents. (This is crazy to me, as their family's disgrace made Clara unsuitable for men of her "station," so why not allow her to marry Ben? I'm thankful we don't have such rigid social stations today!)

There's no question that Carolyn Miller gets better and better with each book! While I'm sorry to see this Legacy of Grace series end, I'm eagerly looking forward to the first book in her upcoming Promise of Hope series, which releases early next year!

Disclosure of material connection. I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.