A review by hidekisohma
One Day at Horrorland by R.L. Stine


After reading the previous goosebumps book, i was starting to think that maybe they weren't as good as i remembered. Thankfully then i read this one.

Horrorland was actually very creative and fun. Being in a horror theme park they were able to be very creative with the scary attractions and do some very cool things without wasting too much time on buildup.

Normally Goosebump books are around 75% buildup and only the last 1/4 are actually scary supernatural stuff. I was surprised that the creepy rides came in pretty early and the astonishingly not very annoying children characters weren't the worst thing ever either.

Short version is a family gets lost and ends up at a horror theme park. the rides are way creepier and scarier than normal and the kids and parents break off from each other.

I wish we got to see the parents have some scary adventures off on their own, but i was happy to see them join up with the kids about 75% of the way through so they at least got to be involved in some of the horror.

All in all, solid entry in the series. The twist wasn't exactly....twisty, but it definitely kept my interest to the end. Definitely one of the better ones.

3.5 out of 5 rounded up to a 4.