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A review by tiannagripp
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry


I love Emily Henry. That's it. That's the review.

Ok, I lied. Because I'll come back to this in two years and be mad that I don't remember what exactly I liked about it. But I actually just love her writing. And to be honest, this is only her second book that I've ever read, but I love the lives that her characters live *around* the love stories that they are experiencing. The love stories usually bore me. (Not with Em [yes, that's right. She's Em. We're buds now.] just in general. Reading about people be swooned by average shit in love stories usually bores me.) But I love the way she wrote about Poppy's experience as an outsider in hometown and how she dealt with her love of travel and restlessness. I loved the millennial ennui balanced up against her desires and realistic fears.

This may be a critique to some, but I kind of liked that Alex was just a boring body with little personality. Like, Poppy loved him, and that was great, but what I liked was that she loved her in all of her personality and he was like...there. More stories where dudes are just there, please.

I like that there were queer characters in the story and yet again I am begging you two write fully gay stuff, Emily. We're buds now, so I know you read my reviews. Gay stories. You write hot sex scenes. Just make them gay. Make a whole lesbian series; I totally trust you, even if you've never kissed a girl. Just go for it, I promise we'll love it.