A review by khakipantsofsex
Torchwood: Border Princes by Dan Abnett


Reread because I was in a reading slump, but I can't say it helped because I think this is my least favourite of the Torchwood novels. Same issues as I had last time I read it, but also other things. I don't think I'm a fan of Abnett's writing style, particularly his penchant for long, unnecessary lists of mundane things that I guess are supposed to help us picture the scene better? Dunno. When I was rereading this I was also watching the show, and it made me realise that I dot think his characterisation of the team, with the exception of maybe Gwen, was very good. They said things they wouldn't say, particularly Tosh, or do things they wouldn't do, like Owen.
Originally read 29-30th January, 2015 and given 4/5 stars.
Not half bad. Most of the story was over by halfway through, except for THAT ONE THING.
The addition of James felt like an Adam but this was much nicer than that episode. James didn't make Ianto think he'd murdered several people for one. I kinda sorta shipped Mr Dine and Shiznay (?) though.