A review by quartersooner
22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know by Rudy Simone


Disclaimer: As a lesbian on the spectrum, I got this book to show to my neurotypical partner.

There's a couple of points that I highlighted to show my partner but most of the book isn't too helpful. This is ultimately a very loose and short book of notes about one straight woman's relationship.

There's quite a few assumptions in this book too which are incredibly irksome, like this...

"Part of the role of the NT in this relationship is to be the social buffer and translator. If you think that is unfair, understand that there will be things she is good at (like math or getting rid of a computer virus), that you are not, and this is what couples do for one another. Lesbian couples will have less of a problem with this, but it is just a little outside the expected that the man should be the socially adept one, the one with the higher emotional IQ."

Ah, the old "lesbians are men" stereotype! I honestly rolled my eyes so hard, I nearly had to go to A&E.

(I cringed every time "your girl/your Aspergirl" was used like this is some kind of animal care book. It felt kinda infantilising.)

This book may be useful for some and that's cool, and as I said before, there's a few good observations.