A review by depreydeprey
Nightwing Vol. 4: Blockbuster (Rebirth) by Tim Seeley


This is the classic 3.5 star graphic novel. It started off strong with an interesting four issue arch that balanced a transition of mob power in Blüdhaven and the disintegration of Dick Grayson's relationship with the reformed social justice vigilante Defacer. Before I go further, the DC universe has rebooted itself like 11 times, why is there still a city called Blüdhaven? Lindstrom, Minnesota is the only U.S. city with an umlaut and they had to get the their governor to intervene to make that happen. Having a major U.S. city named Blüdhaven MAKES NO SENSE!
So, the Blockbuster arch is solidly written and the art throughout is evocative and beautiful. The second story arch isn't bad but just doesn't have the same juice as the Blockbuster story line.