A review by nellesnightstand1
Marry Me at Christmas by Susan Mallery


Nelle's NightstandThis review was originally posted on Nelle's NightStand

Madeline has a huge crush on Jonny Blaze. So what does Mayor Marsha the town matchmaker do, asks her to plan his sister's wedding. Starstruck, she may be, but she's true to herself and treats him like a regular person. As for Johnny sake, all he wants is to be normal. (We see this in his thinking quite frequently.) He starts to fall for Madeline almost from the start. He loves that she straight talks him. The town accepts him as one of their own and that keeps surprising him.

I like that Madeline has tried so many different careers and has finally found her place. She got a lot of flack for that from someone but didn't let it get to her and she forged her path. Johnny lucked out in his career path and he truly enjoys it but wants more out of his roles. The dialogue between them was sweet and honest.

I enjoyed the story. It was a nice sweet, no conflict, really. I think though that Fools Gold stories have about run out. I'm hoping the new town series will help put some imagination back into Susan Mallery books, they are getting a little too cookie cutter for me.