A review by booksong
Seeker by William Nicholson


One of my favorite fantasies, this book goes outside the norm in both character and plot.

Ages ago, a single warrior named Noman founded an order of warrior monks called the Nomana. Their duty was simple; to spread peace, safeguard the people, and protect their god, the All and Only. Ensconced in their sacred citadel Anacrea, the Nomana are idolized and feared by many.

Seeker After Truth, a young boy who lives on Anacrea, yearns to join the warrior order like his older brother, scorning his father's hopes that he become a schoolteacher.

In a faraway country, the shephard's daughter Morning Star, who has the gift of seeing emotions, also wishes to join the Nomana, following in the footsteps of her vanished mother.

And on the waterways of the land, a handsome and wild teenage river pirate named the Wildman meets with the Nomana, and is awed in spite of himself by their peaceful power. And he wants it for his own.

Now, three teenagers come together for a common purpose; to join the ancient order. But when a threat arises from a city where people are sacrificed daily, Seeker, Morning Star, and Wildman will undertake a quest to save all the Nomana.

With three amazing main characters, a winding plot, and nothing held back in terms of danger and death, this is the first of a strange yet compelling trilogy that I have always loved.