A review by jasmyn9
Dust of My Wings by Carrie Ann Ryan


I think my favorite thing about Dust of My Wings and the lore behind Shade is what an angel is. They aren't creatures sent by god, they aren't inherently good - they are supernatural creatures that have a bit of a reputation. It was quite refreshing to see them this way, and I really loved their society and the descriptions of their home.

Shade is in trouble, though. He's left some angel dust laying around and a human had her hands on it now. The council is breathing down his neck telling him to fix it - by whatever means necessary. And he really hopes it doesn't get that far, especially one he meets the little neat freak, Lily.

Lily was amazing - I loved all her little habits. And - well, not to give too much away, but when her paranormal side comes out - it's perfect, 100% perfect! It was a brilliant touch that really went far with me.

My biggest problem with the story was in the side details. Some of them just didn't quite get explained enough for me, or they just weren't flushed out to the point that they really made a lot of sense. There were a couple details that seemed a bit out of place - I'm hoping they come into play later. There was also a missing spark between Shade and Lily. For destined mates, they just didn't seem to click with me.