A review by holliedollie04
Playing with Matches by Georgia Beers


rated 3.5, but i’m rounding up for generosity. minor spoilers-ish ahead.

ok, i very much enjoyed this story, however, personally i had to mark to down because of a few things that distracted me from the story.

the first was when laura (liz’s sister) meets her love interest, i think she calls to herself as the wrong last name. if memory serves me right, she refers to herself as “laura stratton” however, stratton is cori’s last name, not liz and laura’s, which is brennan. it’s possible that i had misunderstood the text, but it did distract me from the book.

the second thing was the revelation for the fake dating. it all just felt a little rushed for me. in concept i liked all the the bride at the wedding drama, and all that, i just don’t like how it played out. i also didn’t like how laura “outs” liz and cori’s relationship to pretty much a bunch of strangers, it just didn’t sit right.

however, the latter half of the book i loved. i absolutely adored liz and cori’s relationship development after “the big revelation”, made me feel all the feels.
i wish we would have had a bit more exploration of the real estate side of things, i think that could have been really interesting, but i still enjoyed it a lot.

so, overall, will i buy a physical copy? honestly, depends on how expensive it is. the cover is absolute perfection, so id love to have it on my shelves, and i would re-read, but its not one that im gonna spend more money than i want to on.

final thoughts- if small town, second chance, fake dating sounds like your thing? if accepting and supportive families are your thing? if cute gay romance with a dash of spice is your thing?
well, then i think you should give this a read.

i was lucky enough to receive a free digital ARC of this book via NetGallery, in exchange for an honest review