A review by xoxotawnydee
Traces of Mercy by Cindy Kelley, Jr. Michael Landon


I'm not 100% sure of how I feel about this book.

I don't normally read civil war romances and it isn't really my favorite time period, so I probably won't read another for a long time. It wasn't a bad book, it just seemed like it dragged on and on. The last 25% of the book raced by, but the other three quarters had me constantly checking to see how much more I had before it was over.

Also, I believe another reason I didn't particularly enjoy this read was that she didn't end up with who I wanted her to end up with. I will admit that is sometimes a problem of mine, I'm aware of it, but I can't seem to change things. I wanted her to end up with Eli. Period.

I'm giving it three stars because it really wasn't a bad read. The authors did a nice job describing the setting and keeping us informed of what was happening, history wise, it just wasn't my cup of tea.