A review by deena_
Million Dollar Marriage by Katy Evans


4 stars ☆
Song: Somebody To You By The Vamps.

“To Penny and Luke. You may not have gotten the million dollars out of that goddamn show, but I think you guys got somethin’ a hell of a lot better.”

Yes, the audience might not have gotten their happy ending but Penny and Luke sure did. I usually say 'no' to the fake relationship trope in general, but when it comes a package deal with reality show themed fluff? A huge 'yes'. When I jumped blindly into this book just because of its fresh plot and setting, I wasn't hoping for much—just your regular drama built on mutual convenience, which I was so on board for. This book came along and gave us so much more. Reading this felt like snuggling up in a blanket and tuning in your favorite TV show on a weekend. The writing style isn't much to talk about but I totally loved the contents this story had to offer. 

➷ Opposite attracts: Penelope and Luke couldn't be any more different even if they tried; where she's got bags full of shiny degrees and a broken heart, he is all about cool indifference and living in the moment. Her idea of a perfect night is sitting with a big-fat French textbook and he'd much rather flirt his way through Atlanta. It was their polar opposite personality traits that made things interesting, they had crazy chemistry and even crazier attraction towards each other.

➷ The contest: 'Million Dollar Marriage' recruited about 50 participants solely based on their diversity and threw them up against each other with the winning prize of a million at stake. They eliminated over half of them in the first round and paired up the remaining 18 competitors. The chosen 9 couples were practically day and night in comparison, which was initially planned to boost their ratings. After a quick vow exchange, the newlyweds were led into a series of ridiculous challenges all throughout the state following 14 days of shooting. They had to sit for individual interviews twice a day to update their progress with the game and their partners. The couples get to choose whether they want to stay married after their elimination or after taking the prize.

➷ The contestants: That's the fun part of it; even though we already knew which couple was taking the million home, the other teams made it hard to guess, they put on a pretty good fight. It felt like we were watching the story unfold as the audience, the participant and the film crew all together.

➷ The final location: Their last shooting location Hawaii was my personal favorite. The challenges they were given there were equally tough and interesting, ofcourse Penny and Luke nailed it. I feel like a lot happened in Hawaii, it was where they made peace with the realization of their growing feelings for each other. The sudden warp up of the show took me by surprise, also eager to learn of their next step as a couple.