A review by nikshelby
Aftermath by Chuck Wendig


Love all thing Star Wars.
Paired with good writing? Excellent.

"Will the New Republic survive?"
Olia turns. She lifts her chin. She speaks with authority. "This is democracy. It is strange. And it is messy. It's not about getting it right. It's about trying to get it right. Yes, it's a bit chaotic. Certainly we will get some things wrong. The Empire? They cared nothing for democracy. They valued order above everything else. They wanted to be right so badly that anybody who even hinted at getting it wrong or doing it differently was branded the enemy and thrown into a dark prison somewhere. They destroyed other voices so that only their own remained. That is not us. We will not always get it right. We will never have it perfect. But we will listen. To the countless voices crying out across the galaxy, we have opened our ears, and we will always listen. That is how democracy survives. That is how it thrives. Look."

"This entire trip has been a failure. She realizes that now. But failure cannot be the end of it. Failure has to be illuminating: an instruction manual written in scar tissue. What, then, are the lessons of this? What has been learned and what can be built from the wreckage?"

"A strange thing, being a parent. A parent raises a child with the expectation that it's her job to teach the child how to...well, how to do everything. How to eat, live, breathe, work, play, exist. A mother advises her child on how to deal with bullies...or what streets are safe...The parent teaches these things because the child needs to know. Because the child isn't capable. Not the child's fault of course. They're born a clean slate. It's the parent's job to put the first writing on the wall, to make sure the writing serves as an instruction manual. To ensure, well, the kid doesn't die trying to figure out how to live. It's hard to get out of that mode. Hard to see when one's child has cast off the mantle of ignorance and figured out how to do things. Or just how to be."