A review by olivia_piepmeier
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Love Dares You by Rebekah Isaacs, Christos Gage, Nicholas Brendon, Joss Whedon, Megan Levens


This is my favorite volume so far. Is it because of my Buffy + Spike feels? Possibly. Spike is an interesting, dynamic character and this volume reiterates that. He was good enough even soulless to recognize that he wanted to be better and have a soul. It seems like in Angel + Faith he's done some questionable stuff since then, but this makes him more human. Sort of the same can go for Andrew.

Speaking of Andrew, once again hurray for treating homosexuality like it's fine (because it is). They also talk a lot about Xander being in therapy like it's no biggie. Subtle things but important to comics.

I really liked the art in most of this. Megan Levens' cartoony, dark outlined style is my favorite. The characters just pop and feel more animated. Also, I've yet to mention how much I love these covers. +A covers, would cover my wall in them.