A review by cdlindwall
The Ponder Heart by Eudora Welty


(This is not a helpful Review. It's a rant about my personal life. And really only able to be understood by my friends....)

So, this was my Junior IB Summer Assigned Reading.

And for those of you reading this review that are not International Baccalaureate Students, let me introduce you.

IB is consuming. It's consuming in the way you both love it and hate it so entirely. The way, somehow, you let it come to define who you are. The way it takes precedence. The way you come to know it, like a friend. The way you have come to bond, in a communal commiseration, with your peers. The way these people are your family, now. Because you've done this together.

The way coming home after a day of doing well in school can be the most exhilarating high you have ever experienced, and the way coming home after a day of being beat down can make you feel pointless. IB is your validator. I am an IB student in the most horrendous way possible. I eat, sleep, and breathe the work, the grades, the tests, the late nights, the stress, the success.

It's consuming in the way you believe in the program. With your entire heart you believe in its benefits, in its rigor, in its unparalleled ability to prepare and teach and mold FreeThinkers and HardWorkers.

The students in IB are like a Proud Mother and her young child. We brag with Wallet Photos, and Bumper Stickers, and Photos Hanging on the Wall.

You know there are other ways to get a decent education, comparable paths to take, but you'll always have that biased view that your Kid is the best. IB is The Best. IB is just a notch above the rest. You maintain wholeheartedly, with that beam of satisfaction, that IB is different, spectacular.

And so, because you take this opinion to heart, you finally allow it to consume you, swallow you whole. You give in to its perils, its downsides, its cons. Because it's all or nothing. And you're all in.

We are International Baccalaureate Students.

And so, after that lengthy Intro, I again come to the point that this book was an IB chosen Assigned Book. I can't ever give an accurate rating or review on this book, because it's wrapped within the packaging. It's wrapped in Orals, and Essays, and Tests, and Grades, and Stress. And I will only remember this book as that emotional segue back into it all. And that is all. /rantdone.