A review by mothgender
Invaders from Beyond: First Wave, Volume 1 by Colin Sinclair, Julian Benson, Tim Major


I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is a collection of three short stories revolving around the idea of alien invasion.

Midnight at the Garden Center of Good and Evil by Colin Sinclair 0.5/5
I'm going to abbreviate this as Midnight for the sake of my sanity. This story was dreadful. The characters were flat and lacked depth. The "Big Bad" monologued for four pages and it was an absolute drag to get through. The, for lack of a better term, 'love interest' was a textbook definition of a manic pixie dream girl. The actual premise of the work was really great but the execution was very poor.

The Blighters by Tim Major 2/5
The Blighters was forgettable. The premise was also pretty neat here but I had no attachment to the main character.

Rags, Bones and Tea Leaves by Julian Benson 3/5
This story was leagues above the other stories in this collection. If you were at all interested in this collection I'd say skip the first two and just buy this story on it's own. The characters were actually well fleshed out and the premise was well-executed.