A review by 100pagesaday
Wrath by Claire C. Riley


Samuel Gunner grew up in an abusive household- told by his father he was the reason for his mother's death and physically assaulted by his grandparents as well as countless nannies.  Samuel learned early on that if he acted up, he could keep the focus and pain on himself and off of his twin sister Sabella.  As Samuel grew, so did his anger.  Now, Samuel is looking for a way to permanently separate himself from his father.  The opportunity comes when Samuel learns about the Elite, a secret society with power and money.  Samuel attracts their attention, but has to complete a task in order to get in.  The task is to seduce and then break the heart of the mayors daughter, Patience.  This would typically be an easy task for Samuel; however, Patience is the only girl that Samuel has ever considered a friend and he broke her heart years ago.
Wrath is the third book in The Elite Seven series and now some of the stories are beginning to connect and the Elite players are becomming familiar.  Samuel is a difficult character to connect to.  With his sin of wrath Samuel is a difficult character to get to know.  He is angry and a jerk all the time to pretty much everyone around him, even to those who don't deserve it.  It wasn't until a little after halfway through the story when Samuel receives his Elite task with Patience that he begins to soften and we can see his true personality.  The romance with Patience seemed a little off to me, but considering their past history was probably just right for them. The sex scenes didn't capture me as much as the other books, but this may have been because of Samuel's need for dominance. The ending leaves many questions to be answered with Samuel's position within the elite, his sister Sabella as well as Elite brother Sebastian.  
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.